Monday, May 18, 2020

Swot Analysis Southwest Airlines - 1285 Words

The safest way to travel in the United States are through U.S. commercial airplanes. There are only .06 deaths per billion miles, which is tremendously better than cars and motorcycles who’s are 5.67 and 217 per billion miles (CNN 2015). Southwest Airlines is one of the major airlines in the US and the one of the world s largest low-cost carrier. The airline was created by Herb Kelleher in 1967, their headquarters are in Dallas, Texas. This paper will reflect and analyze the current situation of Southwest and the rest of the airline business by using the PESTEL analysis, value chain analysis, and the ROS, which will compare them to their competitors such as Jet Blue, Delta, and American airlines. In analyzing the airline industry, the first framework to use is the PESTEL analysis, which assesses the strategic relevance of the six principal components. Only a few of the components are a deciding factor in the airline industry of which are the Political, Economical, and Technolo gical. First, the political factor, the airline operated in a highly regulated political environment where the passengers are favored (Makos 2015). There are many regulations to restrict airlines in order to prevent them one business in becoming a monopoly of the industry, which is why the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was created (FAA 2015). Another factor is the economic factor, airlines are affected with anything happening in the economy since it is a huge network. â€Å"The prolongedShow MoreRelatedSwot Analysis : Southwest Airlines1900 Words   |  8 PagesIn 1971 Southwest Airlines started their operations with a vision of being a low cost/low fare carrier for passengers traveling between San Antonio, Dallas and Houston. After early legal battles and struggles gaining market share, their fighting spirit, integrity and will to succeed paid off. Over the course of the next 40+ years, Southwest has become the world’s largest low-cost carrier, while carrying mor e domestic passengers that any other U.S. airline (â€Å"Southwest Corporate,† 2015). Their cultureRead MoreSwot Analysis: Southwest Airlines2215 Words   |  9 PagesSWOT Analysis: Southwest Airlines SWOT Analysis: Southwest Airlines Southwest Airlines made its first voyage back in 1971 with service based in the cities of Dallas, Houston and San Antonio (Brief History, 2009). 38 years later, Southwest Airlines has more than 3300 flights a day and serves 66 cities in 33 states (Factsheet, 2009). Southwest Airlines has demonstrated a variety of strengths in its 38 year presence. Recent economic events have also caused a renewed focus on the company’s weaknessesRead MoreSwot Analysis : Southwest Airlines1462 Words   |  6 Pages Most projects are strapped for time and resources leading to insufficient time to use sophisticated estimation techniques or even to hold lengthy group sessions for estimation. Despite that, the Enterprise Insights (EI) team at Southwest Airlines is the conduit to the Enterprise Data Warehousing (EDW) as well as the team that provides the Business Intelligence (BI) function for the company. The EDW department transforms raw data into meaningful and useful information for business customers. TheRead MoreSwot Analysis : Southwest Airlines1892 Words   |  8 Pagesutilize the PESTEL-Analysis to evaluate SW (Southwest Airlines) to gain an insight into its areas of opportunity, and how it has realized those core factors affecting its business dynamics. PESTEL-Analysis, is an apparatus used to examine and monitor macro economical external environmental factors that impact a business. PESTEL analysis will provide us with the key drivers of success and deliver us the ability to harness the unrealized. Southwest Airlines is a major passenger airline that provides scheduledRead MoreSwot Analysis : Southwest Airlines1305 Words   |  6 Pages217 per billion miles (CNN 2015). Southwest Airlines is one of the major airlines in the US and the one of the world s largest low-cost carrier. The airline was created by Herb Kelleher in 1967. Their headquarters are in Dallas, Texas. By using the PESTEL analysis, Value Chain Analysis, and the Return Of Sales (ROS), I will analyze Southwest. It will compare them to their competitors such as Jet Blue, Delta, and American Airlines. In using the PESTEL analysis, only half of the components are aRead MoreSwot Analysis : Southwest Airlines1895 Words   |  8 Pagesutilize the PESTEL-Analysis to evaluate SW (Southwest Airlines) to gain an insight into its areas of opportunity, and how it has realized those core factors affecting its business dynamics. PESTEL-Analysis, is an apparatus used to examine and monitor macro economical external environmental factors that impact a business. The PESTEL analysis will provide us with the key drivers of success and deliver us the ability to harness the unrealized. Southwest Airlines is a major passenger airline that providesRead MoreSwot Analysis Of Southwest Airlines Routes974 Words   |  4 PagesSummary The Northeastern airlines route presented the connectivity to numerous cities offered by the airline and the profits in United States Dollars value for each passenger are presented for each of the routes serviced by the airline. For example the route between the cities Boston and Providence and between Providence and Boston deliver only US Dollar nine for each passenger as profits to the airline. For delivering its service for these routes, the airline makes use or operates a fleet of sixteenRead MoreSwot Analysis Of Southwest Airline ( Swa ) Points1819 Words   |  8 PagesThe Harvard Case Research about Southwest Airline (SWA) points out both advantages and disadvantages in the company’s strategy in maintaining its position as one of the most flown airlines in the U.S. Profit is vital to the company’s survival, but not the most concerned whereas SWA puts more effort on the bottom line, which includes Performance, People, and Planet. The company’s strengths are low fares, fast services, strong leadership and culture, and environmental sustainability. Weaknesses areRead MoreSouthwest Swot Analysis1497 Words   |  6 PagesBusiness SWOT Analysis Abstract As a mutual fund manager, I have decided to conduct some research on Southwest Airlines. I will provide an overview of the company’s history, and an analysis of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). While there wasn’t any rhyme or reasoning behind my selection, I do feel that Southwest Airlines is one of the leading airlines in the United States. Conducting a SWOT analysis will help me understand what the company’s strengths and weaknessesRead MoreSwot Analysis : The Airline Industry1678 Words   |  7 PagesThe airline industry is one of the largest industries in the world, it may seem like nothing can affect such a large and stable industry but even a large powerful industry is affected by external environments. This is just one of four important topics that will be covered in this well researched paper. The five forces that affect this industry as well as a well thought out reason why SWOT analysis can be important to Southwest Airli ne, which is the particular company in the airline industry, we will

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